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  1. P

    2014 Levorg 1.6

    Hi all I have had my levorg for just about 2 years and had to replace my windscreen now my eyesight isn't working even though nothing has changed apparently and now my at oil temp light is flashing any advice on the fix would be great I am in christchurch new Zealand cheers
  2. P

    Fuel Consumption

    I have the 2014 1.6 turbo and I drive in intelligent mode and it's done 137k and my fuel consumption is around 12.4km per ltr sorry in new zealand we don't use miles or yards it costs $130 to fill from empty and that can last me 10 days maybe more depending on where and how I drive
  3. P

    Fuel Economy Challenge on Centre Screen

    I got the 2014 levorg and I have the same thing even from car yard it helps me from taking off to quick and it helps with letting you know what petrol consumption it's got mine is sitting at 12.4 km per ltr