
  1. M

    1.6L 2018 Catback!!

    Hey everyone!! I was just looking to know if anyone has any past experience or advice with catbacks on the 1.6? I’m just wondering what fits? If it fits the 2.0 would it fit the 1.6? I’m abit lost, any advice or tips is greatly appreciated!!
  2. Ricer77

    New From NZ

    Hi there, I’m a levorg owner from NZ. Not new to Subaru’s , but I had a break (needed utes for a few years, so sold the DMax and got a levorg and pocketed the cash. Loving this things so far. 1.6 is so responsive. I will be doing bits and pieces to it - currently done - Led lights throughout...
  3. G

    Levorg 1.6GTS Muffler Delete

    Removed the axleback muffler and replaced it with straight pipe and HKS muffler Tip. Nice engine rumble, not as loud as I expected it to be.