Totally plug and play Sam, there is instructions that come with it, though they are in Engrish. But each connector is different so you can’t go wrong

From memory there are 5 plugs (10 ends as they are all piggy back plugs). All done on the drivers side.
1 for front windows
1 for back windows
1 for the mirror
1 for the door lock
And 1 that plugs into the control module (which you mount on the inside of the door trim with the double sided tape which is provided.
You simply pull out the OEM plug, plug the OEM plug into one of the connectors and then plug the other side into where you took the OEM plug out of.
All the connectors are wired in pairs and are different shapes so you can’t go wrong

One tip, before installation look at the connectors on the provided wiring harness to see where the tab is located that releases the plug from the switch, they are in the same position as the OEM plugs, that way it’s easier to know how they disconnect from the switches which makes disconnecting the OEM plugs much simpler