waiting for levorg


New Member
Jun 15, 2015
Hello everybody from Italy. My real name is Diego.
At moment I am not a Subi owner but I love the Levorg (also the old Legacy 2003-2009 and Impreza MY2006). I'm waiting for a test driver of 1.6 DIT ...probably in Jannuary 2016 :( ... if arrive here

At moment i drive a Renault Clio (2004) with ~228.000 km (about 140k miles) and a Peugeot 207 (2007 - of my wife). Sometime a Hyundai i30 (2014 - father) and a Hyundai ix20 (2015 - mother in law) when is time to wash it :D
I drove, and at moment no longer possible:
- Fiat Regata (1985 my first car - demolish)
- Renault 5 (1979 - demolish)
- Rover 400 (2000) sell for and 45 (2004 - sell
- Citroen C3 (2012 - sell only after 2 years for many problems)

and the car of my friends:
- Alfa 147 (2006 - sell)
- VW Passat with a flat tire (2008)
- Lancia Y (2008)
- Porsche Carrera 4s (2007 - sell) :eek::(:(
- BMW 320d E92 coupé (2011)

Sorry for my bad english! :oops::p

See you soon
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Active Member
Jun 23, 2014
Ciao Cricchetto,

You got a fair amount of cars in your life so far, and it looks like you're now willing to go to the East to get your next one, instead of getting yet another Euro cars.
Some will say Japanese are more reliable (and http://www.reliabilityindex.com/top-100 gives them some credit), and some other that Euro cars are more refined, while Japanese ones are dull and bland.

Just go for whatever you want, I'm a proud ex-owner of a Micra, and now happy owner of a beaten 2004 impreza 1.6 TS wagon not willing to give up, as well as a 1982 Toyota Starlet.

My Subaru dealer told me the Levorg would land in Belgium some time in September, so I'll just go see that baby as soon as it hits the dealership floor :)

And I'll indeed bring some pics :)

Welcome over here. It's quiet and not crowded, but it's the first Levorg-dedicated forum I know :)

-- nicodache, from Belgium :)